Friday, March 14, 2014

The Price of Freedom

Today's Reminder is: 

"You will never know the price of freedom... Until you lose it."

We all give up our freedom to a certain degree to have a job, maintain a relationship,  or fulfill legal or contractual obligations. Sometimes certain choices we make have a great impact on our ability to make choices for future action. One morning we might wake up to find we do not have control over our present or our future. Why?

"Teachable Moments" sometimes come at horrific costs. Experiential wisdom  is usually 20-20 hindsight. Looking back at past events and learning from them is not as wise as looking at current or possible future events. Being aware of the present is a safer way to learn what is a wise course of action. This is not to say one should ignore history but one should not focus only on what was.  Remember -- If you are facing backwards it is certain you'll learn the lesson that is coming at you "in the end"-- That might be painful.

We occasionally have people or events that appear in our lives that are "toxic". While it might be comforting to say "Karma will get them." Isn't it better to take action to move away from people or events that do not bring you Joy? Or is your lack of motion a sign that you feel you deserve to suffer at the hands of others? 

This reminder should make you ask yourself: "How have I given up my freedom? To Whom? Why?" Then act as maybe appropriate to regain your freedom of choice. 

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