Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Unspoken Law of Karma

Today's Reminder is: 
"The Unspoken Law of Karma is: 'If you follow a certain course of action almost anything is likely to be realized but some realizations are more likely that others.'  So what is actually going to happen if you do thus and so?"

 Many people do not understand that cause and effect are not necessarily directly chained together. You know -- The punishment must follow crime or reward must follow a good deed. 

If you look around with open eyes you'll notice it rains on the Righteous and the Unworthy. The sun shines on the Bad and the Good. Flowers and fields grow for the Powerful and the Weak. Why would that be so?

Like many laws of nature, reward and punishment fall along a statistical line.  You are less likely to be punished for a good deed than a bad deed. You are more likely to be punished if you do something that deserves punishment. But will you? Look at who you are... look at where you are. Look at what you have done and what you are doing.  

For example: Attempting to free prisoners of an oppressive government by your self is not likely to get you a reward from the oppressive government... and reporting "patriots" to an opressive government might get you a cash reward [and you name on a list somewhere].

Think! How does this plot line usually end? Don't like the potential results? You always have the option to turn around. There is always an opportunity to do thing in a positive way. There are ways to accomplish your goal.

I once knew a man who claimed to be a rodeo clown. His day job was to fire people. He was good at his job. He lied to them. He deceived them. He played his victims and eventually they succumb to his mission. He did his job five days a week and took his pay with a smile. There was no conscience shown in his behavior. No sense of regret. It almost seemed certain he was rewarded for his behavior. Was he? Does it really matter?

In the long term this self proclaimed "clown" will pay for his behavior and his choices... but the important thing is to recognize that the "karmic fate" of another person has nothing to do with you. The Universe can deal with them without your assistance. 

It's not your role [or place] to judge them. If you become a self-proclaimed "avenging angel you fall to the same level as the person that has harmed you and you will pay a price for playing the same evil game as they.

So what is likely to happen? Can you be rewarded for bad behavior? Possibly... in the short term... but don't count on it.

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