Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Today's Reminder is: 

"It is said: "Manure happens." This is not so. Manure is the result of a natural process. We all create manure. 
It is important for you to realize: manure is a useful substance. It is a natural fertilizer which helps things grow. Our purpose as spiritual beings is to Grow. Are you using yours?"

Living things are self-organizing energy transformation systems.  What does that mean?They take from their environment the raw materials and energy they need for their own well being. They build relationships with others and their environment. What they can not used is excreted. 

Yet that 'manure' can provide the basis of new life, more materials, and more complex organization, and,yes, sometimes new ideas and new frontiers. Your manure is an important resource. If you don't use it then some one else will.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Not Etched in Stone

Today's Reminder is:

"Just because your 'Truth' works for you, does not mean it is etched in stone for all Eternity."
Truth does not need a stone to be understood as self-evident. Truth is not unyielding nor unmerciful. Truth is the Soul of Compassion. When we embody Truth, it works for us. Yet stones are worn away into dust taking with them the ephemera of past truths etched upon them.

Times change. Things evolve. Knowledge is gained. Understanding is enhanced. Wisdom comes. A student arrives a teacher departs. These things must change as it is their nature. So must you and your 'Truth' change and evolve or be worn away to dust.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Today's Reminder is: 

"It is no surprise to you when you cut yourself and you feel pain. Why then are you surprised by the circumstances and apparitions in your life? 
Both are the impersonal application of the same natural organizing principles and operational rules which manifested these results in your life. 
The only difference between them is your refusal to accept they come from the same source."
Life is a complex flow of energy interactions governed by the conservation of energy laws. All states even conscious states are subject to the laws. Social interaction and societies also are subject to the conservation laws. Some of the interactions can and will be physical. Some of interactions are emotional. Some of these are intellectual. 

These interactions lead to experiences and results. Some of the results lead to higher entropy states of order while others lead to lower entropy states of disorder. Some of these states are pleasant while others unpleasant. Yet they all come from the same general rules of the conservation of energy. 

We do not live our lives outside the conservation laws and we cannot deny their functionality. The sooner one realizes this the sooner they can optimize their efforts toward achieving intended results.

Why do you care?

Today's Reminder is: 
"Does God care? Do You? Why? Your answers only explain your limitations."

Why blame God when human choice and human error are sufficient explanation for any given circumstance? 

Why get angry when God does not save you from your folly? When you blame others for your own faults, you have some "work" to do.

As for those who declaim that God does not exist? To paraphrase the Tao: 

The God that can be spoken of is not the eternal  God
The name of a God that can be named is not the eternal name

The God that you say does not exist agrees with you- That God does not exist. The God that most people talk about is not The Eternal. 

One might say then, "But there is no need for a God!" But then conveniently forget that declaration is also true for their own existence: Universe has no need of them-- it will happily go on its own merry way.

Sometimes we touch upon a shadow or a reflection of the Nameless. Sometimes this fills us with joy or terror. If you cannot name it then certainly it is genuine... as the Numinous is as Nameless as it is Indescribable.  

Does the Infinite care? Why should that matter?

Do You Care? Why should it matter?

Your choices limit your beliefs. Your Beliefs limit You.
Some limitations are better than others. 
Examine your beliefs. 
Choose wisely.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Today's Reminder is: 

"Our vision of history and historical 'truth' is distorted and dimmed by our desire to place our civilization at the apex of social and political evolution. The reality is that history is a myth we tell ourselves to support an unjustified belief in our own superiority."

History is made by individuals making choices. 

Social groups are made by inventing a shared history based on 'historic' individuals. Look at the cultural icons of a culture and you will find an individual or group of individuals that the culture as appropriated as their "totem".The common cultural tag line is "We are great because we are [fill in the individual's name] followers." The group takes the deeds of those individuals who made history and claim those deeds make the group superior. 

You are not your culture nor your ethnicity. Your place in the world is not dependent on your ethnicity or your culture's place or status in the scheme of things nor on the actions of an iconic figure of some other time in history. Many cultures and ethnic groups emphasize the importance or place of their group with in the social milieu. They attempt to convince each member of their importance and status is derived from the group rather than the individual. 

This distortion is a method of "social" survival for the cultural or ethnic group. The notion of social and personal "superiority" based on culture, ethnicity, philosophy, or religious theology is false. Those groups that insist on "social" or "moral" superiority simply because of membership need either to change that false belief or face eventual extinction.

The notion that an individuals 'place' or 'status' or 'specialness'  in the world is conveyed simply by being a member of an ethnicity or a culture or religion or philosophic belief is not true. Instead it is a memetic function of the culture used to transmit and maintain a group's cultural identity and social cohesion. 

To put it simply, "you" are not "black" or 'white" or "yellow" or any other shade. You are not English, Anglo-Saxon, Irish, Latin, Germanic, Gallic, Hispanic, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Bharati, Nihonic, Buddhist, Taoist, Bonist, Arabic, Turkic, Mongolian, Han, Mandarin, Korean, Zulu, Tutu, or any of the other thousands of cultural, ethnic, or religious groups. 

You are you. 

Certainly, you are a product of a culture and its associated memes. 

Still, You are you. 

Unique. Different. Special. 

This is because You are You. 

The proper way to look at this is: You are not your Culture or Ethnicity. Your Ethnicity or Culture is You. Now ask yourself what do you want your culture to represent? Positive ideas? or Negative? Uplifting or repressive? Freedom giving or freedom taking?

At some point some cultural and some ethnic beliefs need to be disallowed or forgotten. While others just need to be 'enlightened'. Social groups need to become self selective based on the desire to improve everyone's place in the world and not just an exclusive group. You have the power to make these changes.

You are the future of your culture. How will you shape it?

Monday, March 17, 2014


Today's Reminder is: 

"You are here. Are you Now?"

Sometimes we "wander off" into the past that was or a past that might have been. This can have deleterious effects to your present circumstances.  You cannot change the past. Ever.

Living in the here and now will probably allow you to respond in more appropriate ways to current circumstances.

Let go of the past. Live in the present. Plant seeds for a joyful future. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Are You Willing?

Today's Reminder is: 

"To be loved, you must be willing to be Loved. The same is true for being hated."
Never doubt that you have the power to choose what you will experience in your life.  You have the power to accept love... 

But what about hate? 

It is no different than love-- except it is a "negative" emotion which usually comes with hurt. It seems that we mistakenly believe we have no control over being hated. That is not true. 

To really feel hated one must accept that the person hating you is somehow justified in feeling the way they do. In other words when you feel hurt because someone "hates" you it is because you have accepted their judgement of you. The hurt can wound you even if it is untrue because some part of you believes it is true.

When you do not accept another person's judgement of you, you cannot be hurt emotionally by them. That is not to say that "haters" can be ignored but the emotional damage they might cause you can be stopped. Once you stop accepting their judgement of you, you can make clear decisions on how to deal with them.  

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Unspoken Law of Karma

Today's Reminder is: 
"The Unspoken Law of Karma is: 'If you follow a certain course of action almost anything is likely to be realized but some realizations are more likely that others.'  So what is actually going to happen if you do thus and so?"

 Many people do not understand that cause and effect are not necessarily directly chained together. You know -- The punishment must follow crime or reward must follow a good deed. 

If you look around with open eyes you'll notice it rains on the Righteous and the Unworthy. The sun shines on the Bad and the Good. Flowers and fields grow for the Powerful and the Weak. Why would that be so?

Like many laws of nature, reward and punishment fall along a statistical line.  You are less likely to be punished for a good deed than a bad deed. You are more likely to be punished if you do something that deserves punishment. But will you? Look at who you are... look at where you are. Look at what you have done and what you are doing.  

For example: Attempting to free prisoners of an oppressive government by your self is not likely to get you a reward from the oppressive government... and reporting "patriots" to an opressive government might get you a cash reward [and you name on a list somewhere].

Think! How does this plot line usually end? Don't like the potential results? You always have the option to turn around. There is always an opportunity to do thing in a positive way. There are ways to accomplish your goal.

I once knew a man who claimed to be a rodeo clown. His day job was to fire people. He was good at his job. He lied to them. He deceived them. He played his victims and eventually they succumb to his mission. He did his job five days a week and took his pay with a smile. There was no conscience shown in his behavior. No sense of regret. It almost seemed certain he was rewarded for his behavior. Was he? Does it really matter?

In the long term this self proclaimed "clown" will pay for his behavior and his choices... but the important thing is to recognize that the "karmic fate" of another person has nothing to do with you. The Universe can deal with them without your assistance. 

It's not your role [or place] to judge them. If you become a self-proclaimed "avenging angel you fall to the same level as the person that has harmed you and you will pay a price for playing the same evil game as they.

So what is likely to happen? Can you be rewarded for bad behavior? Possibly... in the short term... but don't count on it.

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Price of Freedom

Today's Reminder is: 

"You will never know the price of freedom... Until you lose it."

We all give up our freedom to a certain degree to have a job, maintain a relationship,  or fulfill legal or contractual obligations. Sometimes certain choices we make have a great impact on our ability to make choices for future action. One morning we might wake up to find we do not have control over our present or our future. Why?

"Teachable Moments" sometimes come at horrific costs. Experiential wisdom  is usually 20-20 hindsight. Looking back at past events and learning from them is not as wise as looking at current or possible future events. Being aware of the present is a safer way to learn what is a wise course of action. This is not to say one should ignore history but one should not focus only on what was.  Remember -- If you are facing backwards it is certain you'll learn the lesson that is coming at you "in the end"-- That might be painful.

We occasionally have people or events that appear in our lives that are "toxic". While it might be comforting to say "Karma will get them." Isn't it better to take action to move away from people or events that do not bring you Joy? Or is your lack of motion a sign that you feel you deserve to suffer at the hands of others? 

This reminder should make you ask yourself: "How have I given up my freedom? To Whom? Why?" Then act as maybe appropriate to regain your freedom of choice. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Litterbox

Today's Reminder is: 

"Life is like a litterbox. It stinks when it is left untended."

Life, like a litterbox, seems to collect  garbage, trash, refuse, left-overs  and toxins from daily use. If you fail to keep your life clean of these "left-overs",  it will eventually  become a toxic place[if it hasn't already!].

Learn to let go of the past: Old feelings, hurts, angers, judgments are just garbage. You don't need them.

Clean the litterbox and have a better life

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Today's Reminder is:

"We serve what we deserve."

Consider this reminder for a moment... break it into thought filled pieces. 

We Serve?
If we serve we are taking action... but to serve also means that we are in the service of "some one or some thing.

What? What is it we serve? Our belief! How do we serve this What

We deserve.
What do you deserve? Really?

The interesting thing here for you to consider is: If we change our belief what we deserve changes as well.

It's not a game.

Today's Reminder is: 

"It is not a question whether you win or lose. The question is: Why are you playing the Game at all... or is that Et al?"

Some people are obsessed with "winning". Winning what?Winning at the expense of someone else?  Being better? Being better than who? 

To"play a game" means you must accept the rules. If you assume that others are nothing more that a "game piece" or a "game opponent" then that is what you are -- a game piece or an opponent in someone else's game. 

Yet the meaning of life has nothing to do with a game or winning or losing. If you believe it does then you should reconsider that belief because it is a belief that will limit your opportunities to help others and help your self. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Today's Reminder is: 

"You are playing Fetch with the Infinite: Who is throwing? Who is Fetching?"

 You give to Life. Life gives to you.  The pattern of that giving weaves and floats like an intricate dance. Sometimes fast. Some times slow. Sometimes like the fall of a brick or the floating leaf. Giving images and memories. Taking words and songs. That is the game we play with life and circumstance. Does it matter who is throwing? Does it matter who is fetching? 

Even if you do not want to play, you cannot refuse. The rules of this place do not allow it. 

Life always responds to you.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Empty or Full?

Today's Reminder is: 

"Who is better? The One who tries to fill their own emptiness or the One who tries to empty their own fullness?"

 The answer to this question should be obvious. Emptiness is a state of  being that excludes the possibility of anything but emptiness. There is no thing or collection of things which can fill that void. So what value is there in trying to fill a void which can never be filled?

On the other hand, if one were in a state of "Fullness" they could give anyone anything and everything and still be full and complete. You do not lose anything by giving of your fullness because the cup is always full.

It's your choice. Empty or Full?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Got Spice?

Today's Reminder is:

"Always set aside a portion of your income for spices. Spices can make even the dullest life livable."

 It seems simple. You have a limited budget and You have to live within your means. Beans and rice seem boring... but add a little spice and suddenly not only does the meal become eatable but life becomes livable. "Spice" can be any simple thing that makes life better. Salt, pepper, hot sauce, garlic, oregano, parsley, thyme are all spices. But a kiss, a hug, a smile, a greeting, a laugh... these are spices too.  Are you using them?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Who not What

Today's Reminder is:

"Accept responsibility for who you are, instead of what you've been."

If you focus on "what you have been" you are focusing on the past. The past is gone. It cannot make the present any different. Focusing on the past can lead you into the same problems you had-- the ones that gave you this moment. Showing remorse for the past of itself does not change behavior.

Accepting your "ability to respond" as who you are in this moment means you have the ability to make this moment and each succeeding moment different. Do you want a new future?  Accepting the responsibility for who you are acknowledges you have the power to change. Do you dare to grab a new future? Showing remorse for the past and accepting that you are responsible for your behavior now and always is the first step in not repeating the same mistakes. It is also the first step in making your life different.

Friday, March 7, 2014

You must be willing

Today's Reminder is:

"To be loved, you must be willing to be Loved. The same is true for being hated."

 Not feeling loved? Love is something we must accept for it to become part of our life experience. Ask yourself: Am I willing to be loved? Am I willing to accept love? Only you can answer that. If your answer is "yes but..." then look at it again... That but... means that somehow and in some way you are putting a fence between you and being loved. Remove the fence and you open yourself to love.

Do you feel you are hated? Hate is something we feel when we accept the bad things other say to us or do to us. But to feel hated we must feel in some small [or great] way that the hate is justified. You are free not to accept the hate directed at you and you are free to defend yourself against unjustified enmity. You don't have to allow yourself to be bullied or abused. If you are unsure get help.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Words of Themselves

Today's Reminder is: 

"Language is a formalism used to convey meaning. Words of themselves convey nothing."
A writer loves words. The power of language is that it allows us to construct messages that are both filled with information but also can be 'emotionally' or 'spiritually' meaningful. A dancer loves to Dance. The power of Dance [and the martial arts] is you can see the 'energy' of the message in the motions. The artist, photographer, or filmmaker can give birth to Images, real or imagined, that give the viewer the "feeling" of the captured image.

The late Isaac Bonewits , in his book Real Magic, made note of these three forms of communication [taken from Hindu religious philosophy] which can be used to elevate one's beliefs and / or consciousness. The three forms are:  Mantra [Words], Mudra [Actions], Mandala [Images].  Each of these forms can also be used to convey a message or meaning to an audience.

  • Mantra - Words - Books - Scripts - Oratory
  • Mudra - Action - Dance / Ballet / Martial Art 
  • Mandala - Image - Art - Visual Media

Combining these three forms in a work [or your life] makes  your ability to convey a message more effective. A recent example of this kind of work is James Cameron's Avatar. While the plot is rather simple the net effect of the words, actions, and images invites the viewer to hear/see/feel the message . If you have not seen it, you might take a look. After seeing it, evaluate each component form. Ask yourself: how effective was the form? How effective was the combination of forms?

The whole point of words, actions, and imagery is to communicate a message. It is important to remember never to get so caught up in the "forms" that you forget to deliver the message. Think about how effective you are when you try to convey a message. Think about your successes and failures. You are a messenger of a message only you possess and only you can deliver. Think about that the next time you use the three forms: Words, Actions, Images.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Biggest Problem In Your Life

Today's Reminder is: 

"The problems you have with others, are in fact the problems you have not been able to resolve within your own self. The biggest problem in your life more often than not is You."

 How often have you said "If they only would..." or "How can they be so selfish?" or "Why do they act that way?" or even "Why are these evil people in my life?" The answer is you my friend.  The world we see and experience is mostly seen and experienced through the "filter" of our own beliefs. Change your beliefs and the world changes.  

"If only they would..." is actually "If only I could...."

 "How can they be so selfish? is actually "How can I be so selfish?

"Why do they act that way? is actually "Why do I act this way when I am with them?"

"Why are these evil people in my life?"   is actually "Why do I stay in this place?

Change is always an option. No one is stopping you from making changes in who you are or the way you act or the way you see the world. 

I am not saying that evil people or life threatening health issues can be changed or  suddenly "go away". What you can change is how you see these things in your life. In seeing things differently, you have the opportunity to choose a new path which is more healthy for you. Your problem is your solution: You.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Truth Born of Your Heart...

Today's reminder is:

"Whether you want to be or not, you are a father, mother, and mid-wife to the Truth.  For every act of creation is the Truth born of your heart.  Just don't insist your truth is the only truth."

All of us create. Some of us are better at it than others. Like it or not you will create things, feelings, events, memories, hurts, healing, and all of the other possibilities.  Some erroneously insist their way is the "only way" or their truth is the "only truth". This is not so... 

The rule of thumb one should apply to their own truth to measure its validity is: Does it bring joy and life?  Does it lift the fallen?  Free the oppressed? Feed the hungry or house the homeless? Heal the hurt of the orphan or widowed? 

Does your Truth  make the heart sing with the joy of being alive and make you willing to give that joy without strings?